Sunil Kumar K. R.
Research Associate
Postdoctoral Fellow – University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ph.D. – University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Sunil Kumar comes from the Sahyadri region (the benevolent mountains) in Karnataka, India. He worked on developing molecular markers for orphan legumes and identifying disease resistance QTLs in maize before joining Sally Mackenzie lab for a Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding. His dissertation work provides valuable insights into the potential use of induced epigenetic variation in breeding for yield and stability related traits. He did a short postdoc in the Schnable lab, where he expanded his research interests and worked on comparative gene expression analysis across multiple panicoid grasses and their response to low-temperature stress. In the Niederhuth lab, Sunil will be studying epigenome variation through an evolutionary perspective using comparative and population epigenomics.
Sunil is currently postdoc-ambassador for American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) and social media coordinator for the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Plant Course. In his free time, he enjoys playing badminton, table tennis and cooking authentic Indian food.